Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Selfishness - Day 2

Well, again today I was selfish on many accounts of not listening to my mom right away. I didn't get up right away, I didn't go do my school right away.

I also was selfish by falling asleep [more than once] when I was reading my school...

I was selfish at supper time when I was upset we had limited crackers for our soup.

I was selfish for yelling at my brother for something stupid [and I don't even remember what it was.]

There were probably many others as well. Those are the ones I know I was selfish in.


Anonymous said...

HOW dare your mother not give you enough crackers for supper!!!!

Emily said...

Heather...It wasn't really my mom...We just didn't have crackers...

Anonymous said...

I understand Em....just trying to crack a funny!!