Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bob Jones University College Trip

Wow. I don't even know where to begin. So I guess the beginning would be the best? We had a ton of fun on the trip. My mom went with me, along with two guys from my Church and one of the boy's mom, and then two boys from co-op.

Wednesday - So we had to get up [others got up earlier] about 4:30. I got out of bed about 4:50am. We left our house at 5:30am to go meet the bus. We were the first stop out of two, so we kinda got the goods on picking seats and stuff. When we arrived at McDonalds and were waiting for the bus one of my friends from my aunt's Church arrived! So I was glad to know an extra person! It was about at 2 and 1/2 hour to 3 hour drive to our second stop. The rest of the bus ride down to SC was really long and seemed to go on forever. It was a TON of fun though it seemed long! Matthew was our 'guide' and he majored in Humanities at the college. This past summer he had been to China teaching English because you can not be a missionary in China. He told us all kinds of stories about China and a ton of other places that he visited this summer.

We arrived at the college about 9:30 or so and had the little introduction thing and got assigned to our rooms and were told what we were to do for the next few days. I was SOOO excited to see my friend Heather there!! It was so much fun! I stayed with her in her dorm room and her roommates were SOO nice! The Lord is definitely loving in putting the roommates he did in her room. We had room devos Wednesday night and Thursday night. I will fill you in on those later because I'm forgetting a few things and need to call my friend...

Well that was my adventure for Wednesday. I think I'll just post about one day each day this week. So tomorrow we will talk about Thursday.


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