Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fourth Of July Weekend

Hi everyone!!

Well, it's July and the time to celebrate our nation's birth. My family is going away for the weekend and we won't be back until Sunday. I won't have access to internet so I won't be able to post on here at all.

I'd like to take this time now to give a shout out to my friend Rex Baker. He is currently at boot camp in New Jersey training for the Coast Guard. If you think about it, please pray for him. He will be home sometime in the beginning of August I think. Remember to pray for our soldiers! They are putting their lives at risk for our freedom and we need to respect that!

I hope you all have a great weekend of celebrating, and remember what the USA is about!

Sometime this month during our nations birthday, look for the Bill of Rights and Constitution online. Also, the 10 Amendments. Read them and familarize yourself with our rights as the people.

Enjoy your weekend and stay safe!!

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